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Miscellaneous Recommendations!

Do not mistake these for recommendations I rate less highly than the others- these are some of my favorite pieces of media! They're just not games or music, and I didn't have enough of that specific type-of-thing to make a whole page of it.


You Know It!

Through gritted teeth, yes I am a Homestuck fan. I am a firm believer that Homestuck is a GOOD piece of media, actually, and that the reputation it has is unfair to it. Sure, the fanbase was pretty rough there for a while, but in a vaccuum it's genuinely a great piece of art. If you can get past that, it's seriously a fantastic read. The characters are three-dimensional and undergo amazing arcs, the plot is convoluted, but it's introduced gradually enough that it's hard to fully lose track of it, and overall it's got some fascinating opinions on the nature of the self and relationships in there. My highest recommendations go to it.


Now Here's a Webcomic that Isn't Controversial!

17776 is a wildly interesting speculative fiction comic about what would happen if people just... stopped dying. Humanity has all the time in the world to solve all its problems, but what's left then? Insane football, obviously! Got a lot of great commentary on the nature of humanity, and a wonderful plot. There's a sequel- 20020, and in theory a threequel, though it's been in development purgatory for almost three years now.

Scott Pilgrim

Versus the World! Versus Himself! Versus the Universe!

It's comics! It's a movie! It's an anime (that I still haven't seen!) What can't it do! Scott Pilgrim is a hilarious piece of media in all its incarnations. The comics are well-drawn and funny, the movie is an almost shot-for-shot recreation of said amazing comics, and the anime does another thing that I haven't seen! The series is about a guy, Scott Pilgrim, who sucks and is awful. And then he gets better!