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Games Recommendations

Some games I like and heavily recommend! Only little indie games will be here, since I doubt I have to sell you on Minecraft or Stardew Valley! Heads up, some of these are a little violent, but you should be able to tell which via the descriptions!

Your Turn to Die

Death Game Visual Novel

One of my favorite games of all time! It's a (currently incomplete) visual novel about (approximately) 12 participants trapped in a death game, particularly centered around social deduction and voting! All the characters are fantastic, and there's plenty of mystery to keep someone interested in the story. My favorite charcter is Shin. Silly guy!

Purrfect Apawcalypse

Cute Animal Death Visual Novel

Cute visual novel about a dog named Olive trying to avoid getting murdered by a witch! Very cute art, does have gore though! Very sweet story, I love all the characters, and it's a trilogy!

A Short Hike

Hike up a Mountain!

Sweet game about hiking up a mountain! Has dlightful graphics, great controls, and a super sweet story. Some sites will call it a short game, but I honestly got probably 10-15 hours of gameplay out of 100%ing it, and then just flying around. Absolutely fantastic game!


Go Shopping for your Mom!

Absolutely delightful little game about going to a co-op to get groceries! There's more exploration than you'd expect, lots of little sidequests, and plenty of things you can actually shop for! I believe there's multiple endings, but I only got a couple. It's pretty frequently featured in charity bundles on itch.io, so I'd recommend picking it up there!


I Didn't Finish this One

Great game! I did not complete it! I love to 100% games but I honestly just got sick of running side quests. Supposedly it's good the whole way through, but as far as I can tell I only got about 3/4 of the way through the shorter route. Whoops! If you're patient I'm sure it's good.