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Jupiter is probably my second-most developed concept, though it's a pretty long shot away. It's really just characters and a few loose story threads.

Zelda is feeling... Weird about their friends, lately. Raini has been dodgy and distant, taking a different walk home than Zelda always has. Kai is even snappier than normal, and he always looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. Jensen is his usual sunshine self, but his eyes always look vacant. And Zelda's girlfriend, Alice... seems to be blackmailing him? But she never answers when they ask.


Raini's been working at the middle school in town as an aide, keeping an eye on the kids. She hasn't showed up to social events in weeks, trying her best to avoid them. The only one of her friends from high school she still talks to is Zelda, who picks their brother up every day from the same middle school she works at. But Raini's been seeing things. A version of herself, out of the corner of her eye. Threatening her, her family, and her friends. Only in brief glances, and only in dark corners. But surely, what she pretends she doesn't know can't hurt her?


Kai is, remarkably, a bit of a social butterfly. All his friends say he's been bitchier lately, but he can't seeem to care. he hasn't been sleeping well, and frankly, he's had it up to here with people's bullshit. Doesn't help his job's been shit, and when he sleeps he has... premonitions. Of hurting people he's close to. Whatever. Nothing to worry about.


Alice has been great lately. She goes to community college, gets good grades, saves time for her friends, and feels in good health. She's also got... some alternative business, that other people... generally disapprove of. Like slipping Jensen notes saying she knows what's going on with him. Like communicating with a weird-mirror version of herself. Like plotting to avoid- or possibly accelerate- the deaths of people she knows? Otherwise, she's doing just peachy.


Jensen is great. Don't worry about him! Jen's been having just a fine time. Nothing ever has been wrong with him, nor will there be. Even if he's having visions. Even if he has premonitions of the world ending. Even if he's been seeing himself, doing things he knows he wouldn't do. Other than that, he's doing great.


Jupiter... shouldn't be here. He's not supposed to be sentient. But, he's got a task to take care of. Being Alice's mirror is a job that comes with responsibilities, and he certainly won't complain that she seems eager to help him out with them.